Software developer. Always learning.

Good day! I'm Franklyn. I spend most of my days building enterprise web apps using vue.js react.js and sometimes node.js. I work with large enterprise apps.


Here are some projects I've worked on:

  • A rental property calculator that tells the user the cap rate, cash on cash retrurn and more. Helping me decide if I purchase a home or keep renting after the #coivd. Built with Vue.
  • I got tired of going back and forth amoung my local groery store aisles. This is an app with some personal recipes that tell me the ingredients, aisles they are in and basic nutrition facts. Built with vue and google firebase on the back end.
  • Developed an online presence for a custoemr mountain homebuilder based out of Summit County, CO.

Contact me:

Open to freelance projects or offering career advice for all people.